Proverbs 31:12(b) LBT She will not hinder him but help him all of her life - The NKJ says it like this:
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life
What is a hindrance anyway? Something that blocks our path forward. Today's memory verse is about not being a hindrance but being a helper. If you have little kids you know what that is, when you are doing dishes, in a hurry and they want to "help" or if you are working on a complicated project at the office and the boss brings the summer intern in and says, she ALL yours for the next 2 weeks - how about when you are working out and your neighbor decides to chat with you as she slowly walks the treadmill next to yours while you are focusing on keeping your heart rate at a certain level. Hindrances. . .things that slow you down, keep me from getting where I want to go! So how do we slow down the man we are with during our life time together? I am certain my man would say, "good grief, just getting her out to the car on time for church on Sunday's would be such a help!!" God wants me to be my husbands helper, It is interesting that in Genesis 1, God called Eve the helpmeet for Adam, the Hebrew for that word is the same word that God uses for Himself when He references being "our Help" in the Psalms. I think we must be intentional (to quote a popular radio preacher) about doing good things, helping things for our man, really looking for opportunities to make his life a bit sweeter.
I love this from Matthew Henry's Commentary "She makes it her constant business to do him good, and is afraid of doing any thing, even through inadvertency, that may turn to his prejudice. She shows her love to him, not by a foolish fondness, but by prudent endearments, accommodating herself to his temper, and not crossing him, giving him good words, and not bad ones, no, not when he is out of humour, studying to make him easy, to provide what is fit for him both in health and sickness, and attending him with diligence and tenderness when any thing ails him; nor would she, no, not for the world, wilfully do any thing that might be a damage to his person, family, estate, or reputation. And this is her care all the days of her life; not at first only, or now and then, when she is in a good humour, but perpetually; and she is not weary of the good offices she does him: She does him good, not only all the days of his life, but of her own too; if she survive him, still she is doing him good in her care of his children, his estate, and good name, and all the concerns he left behind him."
I read that and thought, that is so "the 50s" But maybe the hindrance is my own mindset toward being that women, Maybe I don't want to do those things because . . . what would that answer be? Do I fear being "a doormat" walked on, unfulfilled in the process, believe I am better, I deserve more? What kind of man would not respond to being treated with that kind of loving help? Hummm?
Do I hinder the progress of my husbands growth as a follower of Christ or growth in the relationship between us? Maybe we are each keeping some "Road Closed" signs in our relationships with our mates, areas where we are not willing to become like Jesus. Our Lord came to serve, to help us, the woman of virtue is a woman who seeks to be like her master Jesus. That is what I want for me! How about you?
Today's charm is a Street Barricade
Proverbs 31:10(a) 10 Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life.
Project for today: Look for one small thing to do that is something your husband would think was helpfully sweet and just for him. Pray the words of the verse and seek more insights from your heavenly Father on it.
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