Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Mighty Fortress

Proverbs 31:11(a) The heart of her husband safely trusts her . . .
I have a big old Strongs Concordance and I love to look up the Hebrew words that are used in the scripture verses I am committing to memory. It is like a treasure hunt to see what the original writer intended to say with the particular word that is used in the passage. I want to know the intent of what was written by the scribe at that time in history. So many times the word used takes on a richer meaning than the common English that I ascribe to it.

Take the word used in today's passage, the word "trust". Our dictionary definition says it is the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others, to have confidence or faith in, extend credit to. In this passage the root Hebrew meaning of the word "trust" is refuge, place of safety or protection. We could read the verse to say "the heart of the husband can find in his wife a place of safety or protection".

We typically think of our mate as the "protector" but in this passage we find ourselves as the protector of our mate's heart, the lifegiving force within him should be able to find a place of refuge with us. This concept is more about being rather than doing. Who I am for him is his safe place.

A warrior in biblical times would typically find a cave or a walled city to hide in when he was resting up after a battle. In today's crazy times where does a man go after battle at the office or job? Home, sweet Home, that is where he can find a place of peace and shelter for the next day's battle.  So when he arrives, what kind of place does he find? Is it a place where his heart is held safe? Or is there another type of battle awaiting him there as well?

Remember, the writer's mom gave him the words written in this psalm, her husband more than likely was none other than the warrior King David, Solomon's father. She surely knew of the need to become a safe place for David to turn to after battle.

Lots of things to ponder today. No answers from me, I still learning on this verse myself!

The charm for today is a "Home"

Ask God to awaken you to ways to be that safe place of trust for your mate. Pray about your own need for shelter and run to the Father to find the true place of safety and protection.

Proverbs 31:10 -11(a)
Who can find a virtuous woman? She is worth more than rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her . . .

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