Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Proverbs 31:13  She finds wool and flax and busily spins it . . . from the Living Bible or the King James puts it much the same way, She seeks wool and flax and works willingly with her hands.

I live in a princess world and I want to be the Queen.  I think I like the look of a life of ease, just doing what I want, when I want and only the things I enjoy. That is kinda what our culture sets before us as an ideal - a "wasting away in Margaritaville" kind of life. However if you take a quick look at the rich and famous you see that a life of ease is not a life of fulfillment. Since today's news is filled with two famous men right now I can't help but contrast them. The Michael Jackson trial shows the sad end to a man who truly "wasted away". His wealth and ablity to have and do anything he wanted lead him to a life of sloth and depression, a kind of living hell. He died of an overdose of a strong mixture drugs that would put him to sleep daily. He died alone. (ie, without family) Then we have Steve Jobs, a man who spent the last months of his "health" working and investing in a company he founded, setting it on a firm foundation - he died with his loved ones surrounding him, only two months after resigning from his position at Apple. Both relatively young, both wealthy and both dead! But what different stories they have. I wonder if at some point in time one of them stopped seeking wool and flax and working with their hands.

Here we have a Queen, telling her son, the prince, look for a girl who wants to be busy, the quality of laziness is not her lifestyle! It was quite common for the lady of the castle to be found spinning in biblical times, there is a legend that silk was discovered by an empress in China and then spun into the most amazing tapestry by her. So, even if you had a castle and maids you still found something to do to keep your hands busy!

I think there are times in my life where I resent being busy, I make comments about how stressful it is, sooo busy, sooo stressed, like somehow I need to have more "time to take it easy". I resent my busy life, yet, I see here that being busy is not something to be resented but something to rejoice in and realize that our God made us to be busy. He places his first people in a garden and says to them "you take care of it". So I look at the words here and say work willingly, be busy!

I started this week with a YouTube clip, I have another favorite movie, The Shawshank Redemption, a line in that movie has always inspired me, it says we can be "busy living or busy dying". Andy looks at "living" as a life of being busy when he gets free, it is that what drives him on to his escape.

I want to be busy living the life God intended for me, not waiting for a time to rest easy.

Today's charm is a Spinning Wheel

Recite the verse Proverbs 31:13  "She finds wool and flax and busily spins it." Take a look at your life, are you busy doing the "right" things? Seek after what those things are so you can be doing that what pleases God. Look for an opportunity this week to do some "work" with your spouse, offer to help with something that normally you would let him do alone. Pray for God to open your mind to His insights for you as you meditate on these verses. Recite Proverbs 31:10-13 once today.

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